Black capped chickadee (poecile atricapilla)-These small birds cruise around in the underbrush and their call goes “chickadee-dee-dee”. You can also hear phoebe’s down at blackbird as well and they their call sounds like “phoe-be, phoe-be”
Black capped chickadee (poecile atricapilla)-These small birds cruise around in the underbrush and their call goes “chickadee-dee-dee”. You can also hear phoebe’s down at blackbird as well and they their call sounds like “phoe-be, phoe-be”
Red breasted nuthatch (sitta canadensis)-This particular nuthatch spent a few minutes pulling off the outer bark on the branch it was sitting on, as can be seen in the top photo. I ended up taking about a dozen photos of the bird pulling the bark off and in the end, the only piece it took back to the nest was just a small piece of the inner cambiam layer. You can see the small piece of bark it decided to keep in the second photograph.
Spotted towhe (pipilo maculatus)-Spotted Towhes can also be seen in the underbrush and are fairly common. They are often seen in areas near water.
Wood duck (aix sponsa)-Wood ducks are not very common in Leavenworth but can be seen along wooded ponds. They are cavity nesters, which is unusual for a duck. There are nesting boxes down at Blackbird near the second bridge where wood ducks are able to nest.