Leavenworth_town_300x261The following report was submitted by local real estate agent Geoffery Ford of Windermere Real Estate.  This data is the most current information available for the first half of 2012.  Check out the numbers and see how residential real estate has fared in our neck of the woods.

Leavenworth Residential Real Estate Report: Currently we are looking at average prices that have rolled back to 2006 levels with the peak occurring in 2007.  Since 2007 average prices have declined 11%.   Inventory levels have varied little since 2009 and remain high.  Sales have increased slightly since 2009 but, are still about half of levels observed from 2004 to 2006.

Average Sales Price

H1 2011    $311,207

H1 2012    $336,273

Percent Change    8.05%

Leavenworth_town_300x261The following report was submitted by local real estate agent Geoffery Ford of Windermere Real Estate.  This data is the most current information available for the first half of 2012.  Check out the numbers and see how residential real estate has fared in our neck of the woods.

First Half of 2012

This report contains Residential Real Estate sales data for transactions considered “Arms Length Transactions” as well as current inventory data in selected North Central Washington areas.  Data provided by NCWAR and FlexMLS.

Leavenworth Residential Real Estate Report including the Chumstick, Plain, and Lake Wenatchee Areas:

Average Sales Price

H1 2011    $311,207

H1 2012    $336,273

Percent Change    8.05%


Median Sales Price

H1 2011    $280,000

H1 2012    $284,000

Percent Change    1.43%


Number of Sales

H1 2011    41

H1 2012    43

Percent Change    4.9%


Active Listings

June 30 2011    234

June 30 2012    232

Percent Change    -0.09%


Months Supply

June 2011    33.76

June 2012    27.03


Currently we are looking at average prices that have rolled back to 2006 levels with the peak occurring in 2007.  Since 2007 average prices have declined 11%.   Inventory levels have varied little since 2009 and remain high.  Sales have increased slightly since 2009 but, are still about half of levels observed from 2004 to 2006.


Peshatin Residential Real Estate Report includes the Blewett Pass Area:

Average Sales Price

H1 2011   $196,633

H1 2012   $117,037

Percent Change    -40.48%


Median Sales Price

H1 2011   $130,000

H1 2012   $100,000

Percent Change    -23.08%


Number of Sales

H1 2011    3

H1 2012    3

Percent Change    0%


Active Listings

June 30 2011    28

June 30 2012    20

Percent Change    -28.6%


Months Supply

June 2011    38.67

June 2012    30.00


Sales prices in the report are somewhat deceptive due to the small volume of sales in this area.  Average prices from a peak in 2007 declined by 21.47%  Sales levels are about half of what was observed 2005-2006.  Inventory levels have have elevated since 2009 and remain high.


Cashmere Residential Real Estate Report:

Average Sales Price

H1 2011    $269,941

H1 2012    $241,681

Percent Change    -10.47%


Median Sales Price

H1 2011    $190,000

H1 2012    $223,000

Percent Change    17.37%


Number of Sales

H1 2011    17

H1 2012    17

Percent Change    0%


Active Listings

June 30 2010    53

June 30 2011    51

Percent Change    -3.8%


Months Supply

June 2011    17.14

June 2012    13.91


Average prices from the peak in 2006 have decreased 6.55%. Inventory levels have declined moderately since 2009 and remain moderately high.  Sales have increased slightly since 2009 but are still about half of what was observed from 2004 to 2005.


Wenatchee Residential Real Estate Report:

Average Sales Price

H1 2011    $206,989

H1 2012    $221,431

Percent Change    6.98%


Median Sales Price

H1 2011    $185,000

H1 2012    $194,250

Percent Change    5.00%


Number of Sales

H1 2011   148

H1 2012   202

Percent Change    36.5%


Active Listings

June 30 2011    344

June 30 2012    323

Percent Change    -6.1%


Months Supply

June 2011    12.84

June 2012    10.25


Currently we are looking at prices that have rolled back to 2006 levels.  Average prices have declined from a peak in 2008 by 13.46%.  Inventory levels have declined slightly since 2009 and remain slightly high.  Sales have increased somewhat but are less than the levels observed from 2004 to 2006.


East Wenatchee Residential Real Estate Report:

Average Sales Price

H1 2011    $228,223

H1 2012    $218,109

Percent Change    -4.43%


Median Sales Price

H1 2011    $203,300

H1 2012    $198,900

Percent Change    -2.16%


Number of Sales

H1 2011    110

H1 2012    120

Percent Change    9.1%


Active Listings

June 30 2011    299

June 30 2012    239

Percent Change    -20.1%


Months Supply

June 2011    16.05

June 2012    9.59


Currently we are looking at prices that have rolled back to a point somewhere last observed between 2005 and 2006. Average prices have declined from a peak in 2007 by 17.08%. Inventory levels have declined moderately since 2010 and remain slightly high.  Sales have increased moderately since 2010 but, are still less than levels observed from 2004 to 2006.

*Average Sales Price is the mathematical mean of  homes sold.

*Median Sales Price is is the middle value of a series of numbers.  Say 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.  In this example 5 would be the median value of those numbers.

*Number of Sales is the number of homes sold in that area during that period.

*Active Listings are the number of homes on the market on the last day of the period.

*Months Supply is the number of months it would take for the existing inventory to be sold at the current rate of sales.

In conclusion, keep in mind where you saw these numbers first. Similar reports will be generated and written. Mind you though, not in such a timely manner. I intentionally avoid making any predictions or forecasts unless the overall trends are obvious.

We are currently bouncing along the bottom. Nobody is going to ring a bell when the absolute bottom is reached. Several have claimed the bottom has been reached at various points over the past 3 years. No matter where the Real Estate Market is, there are always a handful of good deals, some fair and square deals, and some not so good deals available.