
Dan Cappellini cruises up a classic Jim Yoder route-Purina Crags Photo by Shane Wilder/Ski Pow

The beautiful sunny weather here in Leavenworth has us thinking about climbing, so we dusted off our Icicle TV video collection and pulled this one from the vault.  Rock climbing in Leavenworth has a rich history, with the first technical rock climbs in the state recorded here in the late 1940s. The great peaks of the Stuart Range towering above the town attract climbers from around the globe.

This video explores some of the more popular climbing areas in Leavenworth, including Castle Rock in Tumwater Canyon along with lesser known crags up the Icicle.  Climbers include Dave Morales, Sol Wertkin, Dan Cappellini, Ron Cotman, Russ Ricketts, and Shane Wilder.