photos by Shane Wilder
Maifest, Leavenworth’s celebration of nature’s bright reawakening after winter’s nap, is this weekend May 12th and 13th. Forecasts call for sunny skies with 78 degrees on Saturday and 84 degrees on Sunday for Mother’s Day.
Maifest is probably best known as the time of year when men and women in traditional dress dance around the Maypole. The dancing Maibaum Dances begin at 1:00 on Front Street, after the Bavarian Parade featuring townspeople & visitors in Bavarian garb, horses & carriages, Leavenworth’s Bierwagen, bernese mountain dogs, and more.
Additional activities include Bavarian music, the Lookin Good in Bavarian Contest, a Mother’s Day Celebration and more. New for Maifest this year will be Jazz in the Alley, a children’s Maibaum Dance area and kid’s crafts on Sunday for Mother’s Day. For more information visit the Maifest page at