It’s all about perspective. In this case, the perspective from photographer Colin Bartholomew’s perch high above the rest of the world is pretty good. Safely anchored in and belaying up his partner, Colin snapped this shot of the business end of winter climbing. People have been mountaineering for hundereds of years, but the invention of modern crampons changed the game. Allowing for safe travel on steep ice and snow slopes, crampons were so radical they were considered cheating among gentlemen climbers of the time. Nobody’s complaining these days! You can check out more of Colin’s work here:colin bartholomew productions
and here on FB: www.facebook.com/colinbproductions
Colin Bartholomew lives in Woodinville and Leavenworth when he isn’t spending time in the mountains skiing, climbing, and taking pictures. He is getting his masters in international care and community development. He enjoys adventure, landscape, and macro photography. He believes that his photography should be used to capture realistic and vivid images.