The Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce has once again partnered with Icicle TV to design the premier Leavenworth Visitor Guide for 2023-2024. New for this year, the entire guide will be made available online through the chamber website which should translate into even more visitors using the guides to help them plan their stays in town. 200,000 copies of the guide will also be printed and distributed beginning in May to places frequented by travelers throughout the region and beyond including in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and California. These 40+ page full-color guides include sections such as attractions, restaurants, shopping, accommodations, and services, plus an annual calendar of events, and already include a basic text-only business listing for all 2023 Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce Members.
In addition to your basic text listing that comes with your membership, Chamber Members have the OPPORTUNITY TO DRAW MORE ATTENTION to their business, event, or organization with a graphical advertisement. You can view the 2022-2023 edition of the guide by clicking HERE.

Advertise your Business, Organization or Event
Placing your ad order is easier than ever!
Option 1: Choose you desired ad size(s) below and add it to your Cart. Provide the required information during checkout, upload your ad file(s) (optional), and make payment. During checkout, please provide the name of the business that coincides with the chamber membership and your ad so we can match up your payment and ad properly. After checkout, you will receive a receipt by email and we will be in touch to confirm your order.
Option 2: Download the order form to fill out digitally, or print it out. Email or mail the completed order form to Icicle TV and send payment to Icicle TV at P.O. Box 508 Leavenworth, WA 98826. Be sure to note the ad for which payment is being made if paying by check.
If you do not supply your ad during the online checkout process, please email it to
Icicle TV can provide Ad Design Services if you would like assistance creating an ad. Email to inquire.
Ad Requirements
Ad Specifications: Ads files must be a 300 dpi in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf format in CMYK color mode.
In order for your ad to be included, you must be current with the Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce for your 2023 membership.
Deadline: Icicle TV must received your ad, order form, and payment by Tuesday, March 31, 2023 to be included in the guide.
Want to see your Previous Ad?
If you advertised last year and would like to review the current ad on file, click the button below to view the 2022-2023 edition of the guide where you can see your ad. If you’d like to use the same ad, indicate that during online checkout, or on your order form, and we’ll queue it up to be included again.
Questions? Contact or leave voicemail at (509) 255-3120.
Purchase Your Ad Space Here
There are 5 ad size options available as follows. Click on any of them for more details.