The 2nd Annual House Run Rally occurred this weekend. This grassroots kayak/ canoe race down the Wenatchee River’s house run is all competition, zero hype.
There are no crowds, no banners, nothing but a bunch of paddlers going head to head on some of the best whitewater in town. Fastest time wins. The house run rally is also a bunch of friends having a great time together. River conditions were perfect and the sun meant it was shirts and skin instead of neoprene and drytops. (OK, some guys wore drytops, but it was still pretty darn hot! .
Local paddling ambassador Jean Luc Robichaux organized this year’s event and from the looks of it everyone had a great time! Prizes and cool refreshments were given out and the stories about close calls and epic moments were entertainment for all.
For the whole story go to World Kayak