Living in Leavenworth is pretty special sometimes. The Icicle TV crew was out riding bikes around Blackbird Island after drinking a beer and watching Buzz Brump rock out at the Munchen Haus. Passing bear scat and listening to the birds wake up after a long hot day, Blackbird is a block from downtown, but also a wild place with deer, raccoons, mink, ducks and birds. Stopped on the bridge, we spotted this beaver…
Living in Leavenworth is pretty special sometimes. The Icicle TV crew was out riding bikes around Blackbird Island after drinking a beer and watching Buzz Brump rock out at the Munchen Haus. Passing bear scat and listening to the birds wake up after a long hot day, Blackbird is a block from downtown, but also a wild place with deer, raccoons, mink, ducks and birds. Stopped on the bridge, we spotted this beaver going about it’s business.
Swimming about and pausing to inspect various mysterious things, he swam directly under the bridge as a small group gathered to quietly watch in wonder as it cruised upstream, steadily swimming underwater. After disappearing into the gloom, the group excitedly discussed our fortunate encounter.
This is life in Leavenworth; work, family, play and an occasional Nat Geo moment right in our own back yard. We did not have a camera (for shame!) but thanks to Anna Christine ‘Hallahan’ Box‘s quick IPhone skills, we now can share the moment with you. Keep your eyes peeled and your camera close.
Have you seen a beaver or other cool backyard wildlife lately? Post your photos on Icicle TV’s Facebook community and tell us all about your Leavenworth wildlife moment.