If you live in north central Washington, you’ve no doubt seen the brilliant displays of colorful wildflowers dotting the landscapes from river banks to the high hills. Bright yellow Arrowleaf Balsmanroot have been blooming for several weeks and are just about at peak-bloom. A quick drive on Ski Hill Rd., North Rd., Chumstick Highway, or Eagle Creek Rd. in Leavenworth will provide amazing views of hillsides bursting with these beauties.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot watch over Leavenworth, WA
This year, as early as the beginning of April, balsamroot, Spring Beauties, Glacier Lilies, and Trillium could be spotted throughout Chelan County. As the temperatures rise and summer creeps in, Indian Paintbrush, Wild Rose, Yarrow, Phlox, and more start to bloom. With a variety of environments and elevations, north central Washington offers a diverse wildflowers scene. Whether driving, walking, hiking, or using another mode of travel, it’s impossible to miss the beautiful budding scenery.
Now is the time to capture those wildflower photos and get out to enjoy what nature is delivering! We welcome you to share your best wildflower images with us on the Icicle TV Facebook page! Let’s show everyone how beautiful our home really is!